

Caro Cliente/ Parceiro de Negócios,

De forma a atualizar a informação sobre a situação na R.P. China no que concerne ao CORONAVIRUS, a seguir transcrevemos a comunicação recebida hoje dos n/ colegas da FECL em Hong Kong, China e Taiwan.


Please find some updates regarding the current situation in China in terms of reopening of companies, ports, factories and carriers. Any question about existing or new shipments or about any assistance needed by your colleagues or customers, please let us know and we shall support the best possible way.

Our offices: Further to previous sharing, we are now fully re-opened in Foshan, Fuzhou and Hong Kong. We are working in compliance with local governments regulations with a reduced number of colleagues on site in Dalian, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Qingdao, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xiamen. Our offices Tianjin, Hangzhou and Chongqing are awaiting local government final approval to re-open, targeted on the 17th, and are working to our Emergency BCP plan, with limited colleagues on site supported by those with remote access to systems working from home. Except for Wuhan, we are fully operational and able to process shipments and documentation for shippers. To note that our Ningbo office is to resume work on Feb.17 while colleagues are working from home this week. Our NBO CFS will start operation on Feb.12 and the trucking is to resume from Feb. 17, while it is still expected reduced labor as many colleagues / personnel are either still in transit, or have physically returned but undergoing self-quarantine at home.

Shippers :The 10th February was the official return to work day for suppliers in most China provinces. Shippers are required to submit applications to local governments to resume work, and permission is granted only if they can demonstrate that they have strict hygiene and safety measures in place. Many offices and factories have successfully re-opened, although most are not fully operational due to the low level of employee attendance. Most local authorities in China have imposed a mandatory 14-day quarantine period for workers returning from another province, and this has affected staffing.

Our own back to work survey of our customers’ major suppliers still indicates that around 70% are returning to work this week, leaving a significant number that are not planning to re-open until the 17th February or later. There are also some exceptions to the 10th February start date; in Guangzhou, Foshan and Nanjing, export factories and suppliers of products that are not essential to Coronavirus epidemic control have been officially advised to consider extending the Chinese New Year holiday to February 17th. In Ningbo, Tianjin, Hangzhou and Chongqing the local government regulations have been stricter and some shippers here are struggling to get the permission to return to work granted. Whilst export production is resuming this week, labour shortages and the quarantine requirements will affect supplier production for at least another two weeks.

Shipping Lines: An increasing number of shipping lines are deferring their full return to work until the 17th February, allowing many staff to continue working from home this week.

Cargo Bookings have been very low, and as a result, sailings have been cancelled over the last week.

 Ports & Terminals: Except for Wuhan, ports and terminals in China continue to operate normally.

Trucking in China: Most of our trucking suppliers have resumed operations, however they are facing the same issues as shippers about staffing. Many drivers are observing a 14-day isolation period at home, resulting in around only 50% of the labour supply being available. Our transporters must also follow the local government rules in obtaining permission to resume operations, and this is taking longer than anticipated in some origins. The control in the Ningbo area is very strict, with only a limited number of trucking companies up and running.

Our China teams will work closely with shippers and will provide the best possible solutions for any shipper needing help with local transportation.

Please also kindly refer to below piece of news about China’s Government’s wish to urge resuming of production for the Country:

Lack of cargo sees carriers forced into last-minute voyage cancellations

Despite ocean carriers discounting container spot rates from Asia this week, there was still insufficient cargo to sustain the already reduced alliance service networks.

Maersk and MSC were obliged to cancel this week’s 2M AE7 / Swan loop from China to North Europe at the last minute after they were unable to secure enough cargo. The 19,472 teus MSC Rifaiya commenced its loading programme in Ningbo, China on Monday, but rather than despatch the ship to Europe less than half-full The Loadstar understands it was decided to anchor the vessel. The 2M partners said today they would also blank the sailing of the AE15 loop next week, with the 13,050 teus MSC Ariane scheduled to start loading in Shanghai on Monday. This follows the announcement in the week by the 2M of a further void sailings to the Mediterranean and on the transpacific, together with a number of other westbound cancellations by the Ocean and THE alliances.

Source : The Load Star

And finally, some updates from a partner in Taiwan if relevant for your customers:

Taiwan situation:

18 confirmed cases, some have in the meantime been cleared and released from hospital, those passengers aboard the cruise ship diamond princess who visited Taiwan a few weeks ago did not infect anybody in Taiwan, all people that came in contact with those tourists had to undergo a health check and tested negative.

Starting from yesterday, non Taiwan residents/citizens transiting via Hong Kong cannot enter Taiwan, citizens/residents are allowed to but have to undergo a health check and do home quarantine for 14days. This results in most flights between Hong Kong and Taiwan being suspended. Same goes for direct flights between Taiwan and China, those are with few exceptions all suspended till end of March. Besides all PRC, Hong Kong, Macau citizens & residents, Students from Hong Kong and Macau that are enrolled on Taiwan universities are banned to return to Taiwan (about 7500 out of 10’000 enrolled students). The Philippines yesterday announced a ban on all direct flights between China including Taiwan and the Philippines, part of a one China policy, later in the day then clarified it would not apply for Taiwan by one ministry and then another one confirming the ban, bit messy. Meanwhile the Italian Government still not allowing direct flights between Taiwan and Italy (China airlines to Roma, Eva Air to Milano) till the end of March. All other flights between Taiwan and Europe operate normal. The WHO does not recognize and ban Taiwan to participate in the regular meetings (pressured by China), have allowed Taiwan (after intervention by Japan, USA, Canada and the EU) to share information relevant to the corona virus in a video conference.

Some factories in Taiwan lack parts from China, slowing down production and shipping at those factories. Examples, a company that produce light sets for cars had to delay shipments as one small cable inside the light set  is sourced from China and alternative sourcing will take time. A Taiwan bicycle frame manufacturer, do cut tubes in China, bring them to Taiwan where they produce the frames. Even if tubing for the frames are already in Taiwan, raw frames cannot be painted/completed as the decal (brand of the bicycle displayed on the frame) is made in China and is out of stock.


Present: In strong demand, so far we are able to uplift all shipments promptly, though some long haul flights from transit hubs to Europe (Dubai, Doha, Muscat, Abu Dhabi) have been cancelled, affecting cargo belly capacity on those routes both West- and East bound.

Outlook: Depending on the re-start of production in China and lack of passenger flights to/from China we expect space to become extremely critical on all Airlines serving the Asia-Europe routs from week 8 – 9 for a extended period. Special premiums may be charged by Airlines to uplift shipments. Very difficult to predict the extend and duration of such a scenario. The lack of flights between Taiwan and China will further delay production on both sides due to lack of parts/raw material as outlined above.


Present: As reported by popular online news portals, the three main consortiums of shipping lines have re-scheduled many sailings to both North European and Mediterranean ports. This is still ongoing and the may vessel cancellations do cause delays of shipments also ex. Taiwan. Both The Alliance and the Ocean alliance consortiums are in process of cancelling voyages and at the same time adding Taiwan port calls to other loops. Some do open space from Taiwan, knowing that there is no cargo from China, some do not seem to have realized this and manage the situation rather poorly.

Outlook: So far about 50% of direct sailings between Taiwan and both NEUR and MED operated by the The Alliance and the Ocean Alliance have been announced to be cancelled till the end of March.



Para qualquer informação ou esclarecimento adicional, por favor não hesite em nos contactar.

Ao inteiro dispor, subscrevemo-nos com os melhores cumprimentos.

PORTOCARGO Transitários S.A.

Coronavirus na China


Caro Cliente/ Parceiro de Negócios,

Tendo como objectivo dar-vos uma ideia da forma como a crise que actualmente se vive resultante do designado “CORONAVIRUS”, é vista  no “centro onde tudo terá começado” e que está já a causar “grandes estragos” na Economia a nível Mundial, em anexo remetemos relatório emitido pelos n/ Parceiros em Hong Kong e R. P. China.

Como poderão verificar, através do Quadro abaixo, das 688 Empresas Fabricantes Exportadores contactadas pelos n/ Colegas da FECL – Far East Cargo Line  na R. P. China, cerca de 70% dizem acreditar que o retorno ao trabalho acontecerá até ao próximo dia 15 do corrente, que 13% diz pensar apenas reabrir depois da data atrás mencionada e que 17% nem sequer têm qualquer plano para quando o regresso ao trabalho.

Aproveitamos ainda para informar que, para além das persistentes dúvidas quanto a datas em que as Empresas e Organismos Públicos, entre os quais salientamos os transportes Internos, os Aeroportos, os Portos e Autoridades Aduaneiras, muitos são já os Voos e Navios cancelados,  calculando-se que o volume de contentores manuseados no primeiro trimestre de 2020, comparativamente ao período homologo de 2019, sofrerá uma redução calculada em cerca de 6 Milhões de “TEUS – Twenty Equipament Units”.

Face ao exposto e tendo em consideração esta “disrupção” no fabrico e transporte de pessoas e bens ainda não atingiu o ponto mais crítico, apenas se começando agora a fazer sentir e cujo agravamento nos parece de todo inevitável.

Senão vejamos:

– A viagem de vinda e volta de um Navio entre a R. P. China e a Europa, tem a duração média 70-80 dias (dependendo do número de portos escalados), com anulações várias, já anunciadas até ao próximo 28 de Março, terá repercussões imediatas e que se farão sentir até ao final de Abril (tendo em conta os tráfegos de importação e exportação).

– Os voos de passageiros e Cargueiros, também muitos deles já cancelados, tendo levado já a que a Administração da Chatay Pacific esteja a solicitar  aos seus colaboradores a aceitação de férias faseadas e sem vencimentos, quando reiniciarem os voos certamente que estarão constantemente em “overbooking”, sendo de esperar um elevado aumento nos preços e, consequentemente,  apenas aceitando as cargas, em função de quem  tenha disponibilidade ou condições para mais pagar.

Como se compreende, sendo a n/ Actividade uma das mais afectadas, tudo tentaremos fazer para minorar os efeitos nefastos que estejam ao n/ alcance, procurando manter o elevado sentido de responsabilidade que sempre colocamos ao serviço dos n/ prezados Clientes e Parceiros, esperando de V/ parte um sentido colaborativo e de compreensão para algo que possa ocorrer e que não seja consentâneo com a qualidade a que Vos habituamos.

Para tal, colocamo-nos ao inteiro dispor para, em conjunto irmos encontrando soluções em função de cada um dos problemas que certamente irão surgindo.


Melhores Cumprimentos | Best Regards | Cordialement | Saludos Cordiales | Saluti Cordiali | Met vriendelijke groeten

Mário de Sousa | Administrador

Rua Joaquim Dias Salgueiro 167 – 4470-777 – Vila Nova da Telha – Maia – Portugal

Phn: +351 22 999 81 60 | Fax: +351 22 999 81 79 | Mob: +351 91 751 20 95

assinatura empresa feliz 2019_5



Dear All FECL Members,

In view of our global concerns about subject matter, we are going to give a daily update which begins with the following:

  1. Cargo Services Hong Kong office has resumed working normally from this Monday.  Hong Kong offices have enforced sanitizing measurements to maintain virus-free working environments at offices and warehouses.  Same to be carried out by all China branches.
  2. Thankfully, no Cargo Services colleague in both China and Hong Kong is infected as at present moment.
  3. Day-to-day shipping operations is not affected as at present moment.
  4. China and Hong Kong are in shortage of facial masks that we welcome and appreciate any source that you can provide to us (please kindly approach your Corporate Marketing Manager or me).
  5. Re China, the official closure of Chinese New Year holiday is Feb-9 (except Wuhan to be extended to Feb-14).  Meanwhile some provincial governments are taking different levels of local measurements since last two weeks to try to contain the virus from spreading. Attachment contains our summary of the local news (translated into English) re subject matter for your reference.
  6. Trucking services in major China cities can be interrupted since the drivers who return workplace from other provinces from CNY holiday will be subject to 14-day isolation at home before resuming work.  Thus, we expect trucking service to resume in full operation in March.
  7. Yesterday our Company has started the exercise of calling suppliers/factories locally for their advice on when production will be restarted, here is the table of summary for your kind reference:
1.Number of suppliers/factories contacted
2.Number of suppliers/factories to re-open on or before Feb-15
3.Number of suppliers/factories to re-open after Feb-15
4.Number of supplier/factories with no plans for re-opening


It indicates that 70% of production in these major cities will be re-started within next week.  The remaining 30% is certainly a rather significant portion but almost half of it has scheduled to re-open in the following week that means the impact is further reduced.

8. Clinical trials of the cure are already in progress at Wuhan:

Thank you for your attention.  Wishing all a pleasant weekend ahead and take care!



Clique aqui para consultar o “CORONAVIRUS CRISIS UPDATE”